CCTV Lens Type

Fixed-Focal-Length Lensfigure delineates three settled central length (FFL) orfixed FOV lenses with tight (telephoto), medium, andwide Fovs and the comparing FOV got whenused with a 1/3-inch cam sensor format.wide-FOV (short FL) lenses license seeing an extremely largescene (wide point) with low amplification...

CCTV Scene Temps

Scene temps has no impact on the feature picture in accd,cmos,oriccdsensor. These sensors don't respondto temperature changes or temperature contrasts in thescene. Then again, IR warm imaging camerasdo react to temperature contrasts and changes intemperature in the scene. Warm imagers don't respondto...

Moving Objects in CCTV

A moving protest in a feature picture is less demanding to recognize, butmore hard to perceive than a stationary one providedthat the cam can react to it. Low light levelcameras create sharp pictures for stationary scenes butsmeared pictures for moving targets. This is brought on by aphenomenon called...

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